Board of Directors Approved 04/03/08
March 6, 2008

Present: Hon. James F. Moelk (ret), Curtola, Gerhardt, Fisher, Waslohn, Vadlamudi, Angen, Tauber, Wray
Excused: Hakenen, Martin
Guest: Bill Fell

Minutes of February 7, 2008
The minutes were accepted as presented.

Cordelia Fire Fighters Association Flyer – Bill Fell
Fell distributed a flyer regarding a County Supervisors Candidate Forum scheduled for April 24, 2008 at the Cordelia Fire Hall. He requested that the flyer be placed in the April 2008 KEY as it relates to GVCC members. Waslohn motioned to approve, Wray seconded. The motion carried.

President’s Report
A letter from a GVCC member who lives on Country Club Drive applied to the county for a set back variance of approximately two and a half feet which adjoins the golf course. It appears that there are no issues or concerns to the Club. The blue prints will be forward to the golf course superintendent for review. The member’s letter was a courtesy to the Club.

Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted. There was a discussion on the operational budget and sales since the beginning of the year. Traditionally funds are made up in the spring and summer months, as well as the month of December.

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary Applicants: Michael Burns & Ellen York Burns, Earl & Linda Brooks, Paul & Marcia Reissig.
Social Applicant: Alba Tiller
Gerhardt motioned to approve all the applicants. Reissig is subject to completing the two week posting period. Waslohn seconded, the motion carried. The Board took note of two Notice To Sell forms, and three reductions in the asking price of memberships.

Committee Reports
Line flushing of the irrigation system continues. Rocks and debris in the line, but progress is being made. The pump station programming is complete. More testing is still necessary. After working on the testing with the utility, it was realize the package to monitor the pump operation is important. Constant pressure is critical for good golf course water coverage and monitoring pump operation remotely will help achieve the needed pressure.
Tennis: Drill session programs will begin in the near future. The courts will be touched up to patch up some of the cracks that became gaps on the courts. This will be done by mid March.
The tennis teams are doing well in regards to getting players. Currently there are five teams representing GVCC in league play. It appears that more members have become active in competitive tennis. Social events were discussed; the committee is in agreement that they have a good selection of mixers.
Food & Beverage: The committee is requesting to change the dining arrangements for Friday and Saturday. The Casual dining will be available on Fridays only, and the Formal dining will be available on Saturdays only. The dining hours will be extended to begin at 5:00 p.m. Both dinners will be held in the Oakroom by reservation. The committee feels this will be an overall reduction in cost, and an improvement in the quality of food served with no inconvenience to the membership. The Board agreed to a three month trial period. Hon. James F. Moelk would like to see a friendly menu for children.
The committee also recommended an increase to the minimum food and beverage spending as it has not been increased in years. The recommended increase is from $225.00 per quarter to $255.00 per quarter. The committee feels that the cost of living increases justifies an increase to the food and beverage minimum. The Board tabled the request, and forwarded it to the Finance Committee for recommendation.

Selling Process of Memberships
At the request of the Board of Directors, the Membership Committee made a recommendation on the selling process of memberships.

  • No minimum selling price.
  • The minimum transfer fee to remain at $12,500.
  • Selling member to pay the difference in the transfer fee if the asking price is set below the minimum transfer fee of $12,500.
  • A check for the difference between the asking price and the minimum transfer fee to be submitted with the Notice To Sell form by the selling member.
  • Notice To Sell forms must be submitted to the business office no later than the second Thursday of the month. The form will be presented to the Board of Directors at their next regularly scheduled meeting at the beginning of the next month. Notice To Sell forms submitted after the second Thursday will not be presented to the upcoming meeting but will wait until the subsequent Board meeting.
  • The original asking price is set for sixty (60) days subject to becoming part of the five lowest available. If one of the five lowest available, the member will be contacted to see if he would like to match the new lower price being offered for sale.
  • If more than one Notice To Sell form is submitted by the second Thursday of the month, management will review the forms to determine if any asking prices are less than the current lowest priced membership available for sale.
  • If so, management will first contact those who recently submitted Notice To Sell forms to see if they want to match the new low submitted.
  • Management will then contact the five lowest on the selling list to see if any wish to match the new low asking price.
  • The five members contacted on the selling list must respond to management by the fourth Thursday of the month in order to match the new low asking price. The five members cannot establish another asking price at this time other than matching the new low. If no response, their current asking price will remain the same.
    The Board added that all membership prices are set for sixty days. This includes members who reduce their asking price. Fisher motioned to adopt, Tauber seconded. The motion carried.

Old & New Business
A member letter expressing concern on the Club’s budget and finances.
Golf Course Violators: A letter from the Board of Directors will be sent to a few members who are in violation of golf course rules.
18 Hole Ladies Group: A petition from some GVCC ladies protesting the new rules approved by the GV Women’s Golf Group in order to play in the Ladies Invitational. Over the years, several attempts to implement new rules to play in the Invitational has been declined by the Board of Directors as this Invitational is a Club event for all ladies of GVCC. The opinion of the Board has not changed. Curtola motioned that as long as the tournament is a Club event, the Ladies Invitational is open to all GVCC ladies. Fisher seconded, the motion carried.

There being no further business, Waslohn motioned to adjourn, Gerhardt seconded. 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary